Analog And Digital Electronics 203143 Decode Free Download

Analog And Digital Electronics 203143 Decode Free Download 

Prerequisite: Basic Electronics Engineering, Numbering system, Logic Gates and flip
flops,Diode and BJT
Course Objectives:
1) To use K map for Boolean algebra reduction and design digital circuit
2) To introduce digital memories and logical families.
3) To construct sequential and combinational circuits using flip flops and K map
4) To develop the concept of basics of operational Amplifier and its applications.
5) To design uncontrolled rectifier
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the students will be able to :-
CO1: Design logical, sequential and combinational digital circuit using K-Map.
CO2: Demonstrate different digital memories and programmable logic families.
CO3: Apply and analyze applications of OPAMP in open and closed loop condition.
CO4: Design uncontrolled rectifier with given specifications
Unit 01 : Design of combinational circuit:(6 hrs)
Booleans algebra, De-Morgan theory etc, Karnaugh map: structure for two, three and four
Variables, SOP and POS form reduction of Boolean expressions by K-map. Design of
combinational circuits using Boolean expression and K-map, encoder, decoder, half and full
Unit 02: Design of sequential circuit:(6 hrs)
Introduction to sequential circuit. Design of synchronous (K-map) and asynchronous counters. Up
down counters, N modulo counters, Shift registers, ring and twisted ring counters
Unit 03: Digital memories and logic families:(6 hrs)
A) Digital memories: SRAM, DRAM, ROM, EPROM
B) Digital logic families: PAL,PLA, CPLD, FPGA
Unit 04: Operational Amplifier Applications: (6 hrs)
Open loop and close loop configuration of Op-Amp. Applications of Op- Amp- zero crossing
detectors, Comparator, Schmitt trigger, V-I and I-V converters, Instrumentation amplifier, peak
detector, Waveform generation using Op-amp - sine, square, saw tooth and triangular generator,
Unit 05: Other Analog circuits:(6 hrs)
Active filters-Its configuration with frequency response, Analysis of first order low pass and high
pass filters using OPAMP, IC 555 –construction, working and modes of operation- astable and
monostable multi vibrators, Sequence generator, voltage regulators using IC78xx, 79xx, LM 317
Unit 06: Diode rectifier:(6 hrs)
Single phase half wave rectifier with R, RL loads. Single phase full wave rectifier-Center tap and
bridge rectifier supplying R and RL load and performance parameters. Three phase full wave
bridge rectifier with R load.
List of Experiments:
Perform any eight (three experiment should be on bread board/trainer kit) experiment from
following list:
1. Design of logical circuit for display of decimal number on seven segment display. (Hardware)
2. Deign 3:8 decoder for binary to octal decoding.(Hardware)
3. Design three bit full adder using any open source software. (Software)
4. Design logical circuit to convert binary to EXCESS 3/Gray number system. (Hardware)
5. Design digital clock or stop watch using decade counter.(IC74192) (Hardware)
6. Find phase angle difference between same frequency signal using ZCD and AND gate.
7. Design of comparator and schmitt trigger. (Hardware)
8. Study of Instrumentation amplifier using three Op-amp, CMRR measurement (Hardware)
9. Design sine, and triangular wave generator. (Hardware)
10. Design first order high pass and low pass filter using OPAMP in any open source software.
(For this provide one statement to each of four students to perform with desired cut-off frequency.
Each group will demonstrate their result and prepare documentation) (Software)
11. Design of monostable mutivibrator using IC555 and digital circuit to count number of pulses.
12. Design astable multivibrator using IC-555. (Hardware)
13. Design of single phase bridge rectifier with output voltage and specified ripple.(this practical
should be design by each students, perform in simulation and demonstrate with hardware in
laboratory with design documents) (Software and Hardware)
Guidelines for Instructor's Manual Practical Sessions
The Instructor’s Manual should contain following related to every experiment: Brief theory
related to the experiment,Connection diagram /circuit diagram, Observation table,,Sample
calculations for one reading,Result table, Graph and Conclusions,,Data sheets of the ICs used.
Few questions related to the experiment (10 marks) List of components required with their
specifications .
Guidelines for Student's Lab Journal
The student's Lab Journal should contain following related to every experiment: Theory related to
the experiment, Connection diagram /circuit diagram , Observation table, Sample calculations for
one reading, Result table, Graph and Conclusions, Data sheets of the ICs used, List of
components required with their specifications,
Guidelines for Lab Assessment
⚫ There should be continuous assessment.
⚫ Assessment must be based on understanding of theory, attentiveness during practical session,
how efficiently the student is able to do connections on bread board and get the results.
⚫ Timely submission of journal.
Guidelines for Laboratory Conduction
⚫ First half an hour should be utilized for explaining the circuit diagram and theory related to
the experiment.
⚫ Next one hour for connection and conduction of the experiment.
⚫ Remaining half an hour for continuous assessment and timely checking of the experiment (
This time slot can be adjusted as per convenience)
⚫ Separate breadboard should be provided for every student for those experiments which are
compulsory to be performed on breadboard or trainer kit (ready made set up is not allow)

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