WIPRO Hiring Graduate Engineer Trainee JOBS in Chennai, India Salary Upto₹ 2,40,000 - ₹ 6,50,000 Per Year Apply Online

WIPRO Hiring Graduate Engineer Trainee JOBS in Chennai, India Salary Upto₹ 2,40,000 - ₹ 6,50,000 Per Year Apply Online


ROLE : [ Graduate Engineer Trainee ]
VACANCY : [  7+]
EXPERIENCE : [ Freshers ]
SALARY : [ ₹ 2,40,000 - ₹ 6,50,000 Per Year]
[Chennai, India ]


  • Wipro Ltd. is a global information technology, consulting and outsourcing company, which engages in the development and integration of solutions. It operates through the Information Technology Services and Information Technology Products segments. The Information Technology Services segment provides IT and IT-enabled services which include IT consulting, custom application design, development, re-engineering and maintenance, systems integration, package implementation, global infrastructure services, BPO services, cloud, mobility and analytics services, research and development and hardware and software design. The Information Technology Products segment provides a range of third-party IT products, which allows to provide comprehensive IT system integration services. The company was founded on December 29, 1945 and is headquartered in Bangalore, India.



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  • The purpose of this role is to design, test and maintain software programs for operating systems or applications which needs to be deployed at a client end and ensure its meet 100% quality assurance parameters


Instrumental in understanding the requirements and design ofthe product/ software

Develop software solutions by studying information needs,studying systems flow, data usage and work processes

Investigating problem areas followed by the software development life cycle

Facilitate root cause analysis of the system issues and problem statement

Identify ideas to improve system performance and impactavailability

Analyze client requirements and convert requirements to feasibledesign

Collaborate with functional teams or systems analysts who carryout the detailed investigation into software requirements

Conferring with project managers to obtain information on software capabilities

Perform coding and ensure optimal software/ module development

Determine operational feasibility by evaluating analysis,problem definition, requirements, software development and proposed software

Develop and automate processes for software validation by setting up and designing test cases/scenarios/usage cases, and executing these cases

Modifying software to fix errors, adapt it to new hardware,improve its performance, or upgrade interfaces.

Analyzing information to recommend and plan the installation of new systems or modifications of an existing system

Ensuring that code is error free or has no bugs and test failure

Preparing reports on programming project specifications,activities and status

Ensure all the codes are raised as per the norm defined for project / program / account with clear description and replication patterns

Compile timely, comprehensive and accurate documentation and report as requested

Coordinating with the team on daily project status and progress and documenting it

Providing feedback on usability and serviceability, trace the result to quality risk and report it to concerned stakeholders

Status Reporting and Customer Focus on an ongoing basis with respect to project and its execution

Capturing all the requirements and clarifications from the client for better quality work

Taking feedback on the regular basis to ensure smooth and ontime delivery

Participating in continuing education and training to remain current on best practices, learn new programming languages, and better assist other team members.

Consulting with engineering staff to evaluate software-hardware interfaces and develop specifications and performance requirements

Document and demonstrate solutions by developing documentation,flowcharts, layouts, diagrams, charts, code comments and clear code

Documenting very necessary details and reports in a formal way for proper understanding of software from client proposal to implementation

Ensure good quality of interaction with customer w.r.t. e-mail content, fault report tracking, voice calls, business etiquette etc

Timely Response to customer requests and no instances of complaints either internally or externally

Stakeholder Interaction

Stakeholder Type

Stakeholder Identification

Purpose of Interaction


  • Lead Software Developer and Project Manager
  • Regular reporting & updates
  • Software Developers
  • For work coordination and support in providing testing solutions


  • Clients
  • Provide apt solutions and support as per the requirement


Lists the competencies required to perform this role effectively:

Functional Competencies/ Skill

Leveraging Technology – Knowledge of current and upcomingtechnology along with expertise in programming (automation, tools andsystems) to build efficiencies and effectiveness in own function/ Clientorganization – Competent

Process Excellence - Ability to follow the standards and norms toproduce consistent results, provide effective control and reduction ofrisk – Expert

Technical knowledge – knowledge of various programminglanguages, tools, quality management standards and processes - Expert


Competency Levels


  • Knowledgeable about the competency requirements. Demonstrates (inparts) frequently with minimal support and guidance.


  • Consistently demonstrates the full range of the competencywithout guidance. Extends the competency to difficult and unknownsituations as well.


  • Applies the competency in all situations and is serves as a guideto others as well.


  • Coaches others and builds organizational capability in thecompetency area. Serves as a key resource for that competency and isrecognised within the entire organization.


Behavioral Competencies

The purpose of this role is to design, test and maintain softwareprograms for operating systems or applications which needs to bedeployed at a client end and ensure its meet 100% quality assuranceparameters




Instrumental in understanding the requirements and design ofthe product/ software

Develop software solutions by studying information needs,studying systems flow, data usage and work processes

Investigating problem areas followed by the software developmentlife cycle

Facilitate root cause analysis of the system issues and problemstatement

Identify ideas to improve system performance and impactavailability

Analyze client requirements and convert requirements to feasibledesign

Collaborate with functional teams or systems analysts who carryout the detailed investigation into software requirements

Conferring with project managers to obtain information onsoftware capabilities

Perform coding and ensure optimal software/ moduledevelopment

Determine operational feasibility by evaluating analysis,problem definition, requirements, software development and proposedsoftware

Develop and automate processes for software validation by setting up and designing test cases/scenarios/usage cases, andexecuting these cases

Modifying software to fix errors, adapt it to new hardware,improve its performance, or upgrade interfaces.

Analyzing information to recommend and plan the installation ofnew systems or modifications of an existing system

Ensuring that code is error free or has no bugs and test failure

Preparing reports on programming project specifications,activities and status

Ensure all the codes are raised as per the norm defined forproject / program / account with clear description and replicationpatterns

Compile timely, comprehensive and accurate documentation andreports as requested

Coordinating with the team on daily project status and progressand documenting it

Providing feedback on usability and serviceability, trace theresult to quality risk and report it to concerned stakeholders

Status Reporting and Customer Focus on an ongoing basis withrespect to project and its execution

Capturing all the requirements and clarifications from theclient for better quality work

Taking feedback on the regular basis to ensure smooth and ontime delivery

Participating in continuing education and training to remaincurrent on best practices, learn new programming languages, and betterassist other team members.

Consulting with engineering staff to evaluate software-hardwareinterfaces and develop specifications and performance requirements

Document and demonstrate solutions by developing documentation,flowcharts, layouts, diagrams, charts, code comments and clear code

Documenting very necessary details and reports in a formal wayfor proper understanding of software from client proposal toimplementation

Ensure good quality of interaction with customer w.r.t. e-mailcontent, fault report tracking, voice calls, business etiquette etc

Timely Response to customer requests and no instances ofcomplaints either internally or externally


Stakeholder Interaction


Stakeholder Type

Stakeholder Identification

Purpose of Interaction


Lead Software Developer and Project Manager

Regular reporting & updates

Software Developers

For work coordination and support in providing testing solutions



Provide apt solutions and support as per the requirement





Lists the competencies required to perform this role effectively:

Functional Competencies/ Skill

Leveraging Technology – Knowledge of current and upcomingtechnology along with expertise in programming (automation, tools andsystems) to build efficiencies and effectiveness in own function/ Clientorganization – Competent

Process Excellence - Ability to follow the standards and norms toproduce consistent results, provide effective control and reduction ofrisk – Expert

Technical knowledge – knowledge of various programminglanguages, tools, quality management standards and processes - Expert

Competency Levels


Knowledgeable about the competency requirements. Demonstrates (inparts) frequently with minimal support and guidance.


Consistently demonstrates the full range of the competencywithout guidance. Extends the competency to difficult and unknownsituations as well.


Applies the competency in all situations and is serves as a guideto others as well.


Coaches others and builds organizational capability in thecompetency area. Serves as a key resource for that competency and isrecognised within the entire organization.

Behavioral Competencies

  • Formulation & Prioritization

  • Innovation

  • Managing Complexity

  • Execution Excellence

  • Passion for Results



Performance Parameter


 1. Continuous Integration, Deployment & Monitoring of Software

100% error free on boarding & implementation, throughput %,Adherence to the schedule/ release plan

2. Quality & CSAT

On-Time Delivery, Manage software, Troubleshoot queries

Customer experience, completion of assigned certifications for skillupgradation

3. MIS & Reporting

100% on time MIS & report generation



Performance Parameter


1. Continuous Integration, Deployment & Monitoring of Software

100% error free on boarding & implementation, throughput %,Adherence to the schedule/ release plan

2. Quality & CSAT

On-Time Delivery, Manage software, Troubleshoot queries

Customer experience, completion of assigned certifications for skillupgradation

3. MIS & Reporting

100% on time MIS & report generation


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