Decode Advanced Control System 403142 Download

 Decode Advanced Control System 403142 Download

Prerequisite: Control System Engineering, Matrix Algebra, Z-transform, and Laplace transform. Course Objectives: This course aims to: 1. Introduce concepts of modern control theory, analysis, and design. 2. Provide an overview of the digital control system and nonlinear control system. 3. Explore advanced control techniques at an introductory level. Course Outcomes: At the end of this course, students will be able to: CO1: Explain compensation networks, common nonlinearities, the concept of state, sampling and reconstruction, and concepts of advanced controls (Understanding) CO2: Determine transfer function from state model (Applying) CO3: Test controllability and observability properties of the system (Evaluating) CO4: Design compensators, state feedback controls, and observers for the system (Creating) Unit 01 Compensator Design in Frequency Domain 06 hrs approach to control system design, cascade compensation networks, phase-lead and phase-lag compensator designs using bode plot, physical realization of compensators. Unit 02 Nonlinear Control Systems 07 hrs introduction to nonlinear systems, common nonlinearities, describing function method, describing function of an ideal relay, stability analysis with describing function, introduction to Lyapunov stability analysis (basic concepts, definitions, and stability theorem) Unit 03 Introduction to State-Space 08 hrs Concept of state, state-space representation of dynamical systems in physical variable form, phase variable forms and Jordon / diagonal canonical form, conversion of the transfer function to state-space model and vice versa, state equation and its solution, state transition matrix and its properties, computation of state transition matrix by Laplace transform and Caley Hamilton method. Unit 04 State-Space Design 08 hrs BE Electrical (2019 Course) 8 The concept of controllability and observability, Kalman’s and Gilbert’s tests for controllability and observability, effect of pole-zero cancellation, duality property, control system design using pole-placement using transformation matrix, direct substitution, and Ackermann’s formula, State observers, design of a fullorder observer. Unit 05 Introduction to Digital Control System 08 hrs Basic block diagram of the digital control system, sampling and reconstruction, Shannon’s Sampling theorem, zero-order hold and its transfer function, First-order hold (no derivation), characteristics equation, mapping between s-plane and z-plane, stability analysis in z-plane. Unit 06 Advanced control system topics 08 hrs Concept of sliding mode control, equivalent control, chattering, sliding mode control based on reaching law, Introduction to adaptive control, adaptive schemes, and control problems Optimal control-linear quadratic regulator problem. 

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