Material Science 203142 Decode Free Download


Students should have knowledge of various classes of materials like solid, liquid, gaseous, conducting, insulating, magnetic and resistive along with their basic characteristics. Course Objectives: The course aims to :

1. Explain classification,properties and characteristics of electrical engineering materials. 2. Describe applications and measuring methods for parameters of dielectric, insulating, magnetic, conducting and resistive materials. 3. Illustrate solving of simple problems based on dielectric, magnetic and conducting materials. 4. Impart knowledge of Nano-technology to electrical engineering.5. Demonstrate testing

methods of dielectric, insulating, magnetic, conducting and resistive materials as per IS. 5. Enable students to create self learning resource material through active learning based on

practical /case study/assignments. Course Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, the students will be able to :

CO1: Discuss classification,properties and characteristics of different electrical engineering

materials. CO2: State various applications measuring methods for parameters of different classes of

electrical engineering materials. CO3: Solve simple problems based on dielectric, magnetic and conducting materials. CO4: Apply knowledge of Nano-technology to electrical engineering. CO5: Execute tests on dielectric, insulating, magnetic, conducting, resistive materials as per IS to

decide the quality of the materials. CO6: Create learning resource material ethically to demonstrate self learning leading to lifelong

learning skills and usage of ICT/ online technology through collaborative/active learning

activities. Unit 01: Dielectric Properties of Insulating Materials: (6 Hrs)

Static Field, Parameters of Dielectric material [Dielectric constant, Dipole moment, Polarization, Polarizability], Introduction to Polar and Non- Polar dielectric materials. Mechanisms of

Polarizations-Electronic, Ionic and Orientation Polarization (descriptive treatment only), Clausius

Mossotti Equation, Piezo-Electric, Pyro-Electric & Ferro-Electric Materials, Dielectric loss and

loss tangent, Concept of negative tan delta. Unit 02: A) Dielectric Breakdown: (2 Hrs) Introduction, Concept of Primary and Secondary Ionization of Gases (descriptive treatment only), Breakdown

Voltage, Breakdown Strength, Factors affecting Breakdown Strengths of Solid, Liquid and

Gaseous dielectric materials. Unit 02: B) Testing of Materials: (4Hrs)Explanation of following

with objectives, equipment required, circuit diagrams and observations to be taken. 1. Measurement of dielectric loss tangent (tan δ) by Schering Bridge-IS 13585-1994. 2. Measurement of dielectric strength of solid insulating material-IS 2584. 3. Measurement of dielectric strength of liquid insulating material -IS 6798. 4. Measurement of dielectric strength of gaseous insulating material as per IS. Unit 03 : Insulating Materials, Properties & Applications: (6 Hrs)

Introduction, Characteristics of Good Insulating Material, Classification, Solid Insulating

Materials-Paper, Press Board, Fibrous Materials, Ceramics, Mica, Asbestos, Resins, Liquid Insulating Materials such as Transformer Oil, Varnish, Askarel. Insulating Gases like Air, SF6. Insulating Materials for Power and Distribution Transformers, Rotating Machines, Capacitors, Cables, Line Insulators and Switchgears. Unit 04 : Magnetic Materials: (6 Hrs)

Introduction, Parameters of Magnetic material [Permeability, Magnetic Susceptibility, Magnetization], Classification of Magnetic Materials, Diamagnetism, Paramagnetism, Ferromagnetism, Ferri-magnetism, Ferro-magnetic behavior below Critical Temperature, Spontaneous Magnetization, Anti-ferromagnetism, Ferrites, Applications of Ferro magnetic

Materials, Magnetic materials for Electric Devices such as Transformer Core, Core of Rotating

Machines, Soft Magnetic Materials, Hard Magnetic Materials. Unit 05 : Conducting Materials: (6 Hrs)

General Properties of Conductor, Electrical Conducting Materials - Copper, Aluminum and its

applications, Materials of High and Low Resistivity-Constantan, Nickel-Chromium Alloy, Tungsten, Kanthal, Silver and Silver alloys, Characteristics of Copper Alloys (Brass & Bronze), Electrical Carbon Materials. Materials used for Lamp Filaments, Solders, Metals and Alloys for

different types of Thermal Bimetal and Thermocouples. Unit 06 : Nanotechnology: (6 Hrs)

Introduction, Concepts of Energy bands and various Conducting Mechanism in Nano-structures, Carbon Nano-structures, Carbon Molecules, Carbon Clusters, Carbon Nano-tubes and

applications. Special Topics in Nano Technology such as Single Electron Transistor, Molecular

Machines, BN Nanotubes, Nano wires. Nano materials used in Batteries, Photovoltaic Cells and

in Supercapacitors. Industrial Visit:

Minimum one visit should be arranged to an industry related to manufacturing of batteries, capacitors, cables, transformers, motors (Any one industry). A hand written report should be

submitted by every student as a part of term work

*Guidelines for TW Assessment will be given later. There is Term Work of 25 marksfor the subject. Practical section will comprise of two parts: (Refer SE Structure 2019 Pattern)

PART A: 2 Hours per week:

Regular curriculum listed practical total 12 numbers out of which conduction of 8 numbers will

be mandatory. Out of 25 marks of Term Work, 15 Marks will be based on continuous

assessment that should be carried out such as checking of previous experiment along with its

mock oral session (minimum 4-5 questions to each student), while conducting new experiment. PART B: 2 Hours a week:

Practical/case studies/assignments to enable active learning based on advances related to subject

to bridge gap between curriculum and enhance practical knowledge required in field. 10 Marks

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