Power Generation Technologies 203141 Electrical Engineering Decode

Power Generation Technologies 203141 Electrical Engineering Decode

Prerequisite:  Fuel calorific value.  Semiconductor materials for PV cells.  Work, power and energy calculation. Course Objective:  To introduce conventional energy conversion system with steam, hydro based and nuclear
based power plant.  To initiate non-conventional energy conversion system with solar, wind, fuel cell, tidal
ocean, geothermal, biomass etc.  To commence interconnection of energy source to gird, stand alone and hybrid system. Course Outcome: Upon successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
CO1: Identify components and elaborate working principle of conventional power plants. CO2: Recognize the importance and opportunities of renewable energies. CO3: Calculate and control power output of wind solar, and hydro power plant. CO4: Describe process of grid interconnection of distributed generation and requirements. CO5: Interpret the environmental and social impact of various generation technologies. Unit 01: Thermal Power Plant (06 hrs)
Basic thermodynamic cycles: Carnot cycle, Rankine cycle; Actual Rankine cycle; Reheat cycle
(theoretical only); heat rate (Numerical on Heat rate). Thermal Power Plants: Site selection, Main parts and its working. Types of boilers (FBC, Fire
tube, and Water tube). Assessment of heat recovery systems Steam turbines Fuel Handling, Ash
disposal and dust collection, Draught systems, electrostatic precipitator. Unit 02: Nuclear, Diesel, Gas Power Plant (6 Hrs)
A. Nuclear Power Plant: Introduction, atomic physics, nuclear reaction, materials, site selection, nuclear reactors and working of each part, classification of nuclear reactor, nuclear waste
disposal. B. Diesel Power Plants: Main components and its working, Diesel plant efficiency and heat
balance (Numerical), Site selection of diesel power plant. C. Gas Power Plant: Introduction to gas cycles. Simple gas turbine power plant, methods to
improve thermal efficiency, open loop and closed loop cycle power plants, gas fuels, gas turbine
materials, plant layout. Combined cycle power plants, concept of heat to power ratio. Unit 03: Hydro Power Plant (6 Hrs)
Site selection, Hydrology, storage and pondage, general arrangements and operation of hydro
power plant, Hydraulic turbines, turbine size, pelton wheel turbine, Francis and Kaplan turbines, selection of turbines, Dams, Spillways, gates, intake and out take works, canals and layout of
penstocks, water hammer and surge tank, simple numerical on hydro graphs and number of
turbine required. Small, mini and micro hydro power plant (Introduction only). Unit 04: Wind Energy Systems (6 Hrs)
Historical Development of Wind Power, Types of wind turbine, Impact of Tower Height, Power
in the Wind. Maximum Rotor efficiency, Speed control for Maximum Power, Average Power in
the wind (Numerical). Wind Turbine Generators (WTG) - Synchronous and Asynchronous (block
diagrams only), Wind Turbine Economics, Simple Estimates of Wind Turbine Energy, Environmental Impacts of Wind Turbines. Change in wind pattern and its effect on power
generation. Control of wind turbine generator. Unit 05: Solar Energy (6 Hrs)
Principles of solar radiations, solar constant, cloudy index and concentration ratio, measurement
of solar radiation. Solar energy collectors (solar thermal applications), principle of energy
conversion, collection systems and their features, types of collectors with comparison. Solar
thermal power plants. Over view of recent development of PV technologies. A Generic
Photovoltaic Cell, The Simplest Equivalent Circuit for a Photovoltaic Cell From Cells to Modules
to Arrays, Numerical on number of solar panel selection. The PV I–V Curve under Standard Test
Conditions (STC), Impacts of Temperature and Insolation on I–V Curves, Shading Impacts on
I–V curves, System: Introduction to the Major Photovoltaic System Types. Unit 06: Other Sources and Grid Connection (6 Hrs)
Biomass energy, conversion to electricity, municipal solid waste to energy conversion, geothermal energy and ocean energy and Fuel cell Energy storage requirements and selection
criteria, stand alone, hybrid stand alone and grid connected renewable systems and their
requirements. Industrial Visit: One industrial visit to conventional /non-conventional power plant is necessary. A separate report file should be maintained in the department. Text Books:
[T1] P. K. Nag, “Power Plant Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill Publications. [T2] Dr. P. C. Sharma, “Power Plant Engineering”, S.K. Kataria Publications. [T3] R. K. Rajput, “A text book on Power System Engineering”, Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd. [T4] Chakrabarti, Soni, Gupta, Bhatnagar, “A text book on Power System Engineering”, DhanpatRai publication. [T5] R.K. Rajput, “Non-Conventional Energy Sources and Utilization”, S. Chand Publications. [T6] M.M. Wakil, “Power Plant Engineering”, McGraw Hill, Indian Edition. [T7] G. D. Rai, “Renewable Energy Sources”, Khanna Publications. [T8] Chetan singh solanki “ Solar Photovotaics: Fundamentals, Technology and Application” PHI Publications. Reference Books:
[R1] Arora and Domkundwar, “A Course in Power Plant Engineering”, DhapatRai Publication. [R2] Dr. S. P. Sukhatme, “Solar Energy”, Tata McGraw Hill Publication. [R3] Mukund Patel, “Wind and Solar Power Plants”, CRC Press. [R4] Gilbert Masters John, “Renewable Energy”, Wiley and sons’ publications. [R5] Robert Foster, Majid Ghassemi, Alma Cota “Solar Energy” CRC Press

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