Power Electronics handwritten 303143 Notes Free Download

Power Electronics 303143 Handwritten  Notes Free Download

Unit 03: Three Phase Converter and AC Voltage Regulator (08 hrs) Three phase converter: Half wave converter, Fully controlled converter, rectification and inversion mode, Half controlled converter (Semicoverter), Operation of all converters with R, RL and RLE load, derivation of Average and RMS output voltage, power factor, THD, TUF. Numerical based on output voltage and current calculations AC voltage regulator: DIAC, TRIAC- four mode operation, triggering of TRIAC using DIAC; Single phase AC Voltage regulator principle with R and RL Load, derivation of Average and RMS output voltage, Concept of two stage AC voltage regulator, Three phase A.C. voltage regulator (Descriptive) Unit 04: Transistor based Devices and DC-DC converter (08 hrs) Transistor based Devices: MOSFET, IGBT, Construction, working, transfer and VI characteristic, specifications, safe operating area, MCT construction and VI characteristics. DC-DC converter: Principle of operation of chopper, classification on the basis of Operating quadrants. Control techniques: CLC, TRC, PWM and FM Techniques. Analysis of Step up Chopper and Numerical with RLE load. Necessity of input filter, Areas of application. Unit 05: Single phase DC-AC Inverter (Transistor based) (08 hrs) Half bridge voltage source inverter, full bridge VSI derivation of output voltage and current, current source inverter, Numerical. PWM techniques: Single pulse, multiple pulse and sinusoidal pulse modulation with Fourier analysis. Unit 06: Three phase DC-AC Inverter (Transistor based) (08 hrs) Three phase VSI using 1200 and 1800 mode and comparison, PWM based CSI and VSI, voltage 

control and harmonic elimination techniques, Multilevel inverter concept, cascaded multilevel inverter, comparison of multilevel converters with multi-pulse inverter. Learning Outcomes: Professional knowledge and skills: Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: 1. Understand the fundamental principles and applications of power electronics circuits. 2. Solve problems and design switching regulators according to specifications. 3. Use Computer-aided techniques for the design of power converter circuits. 4. Appreciate the latest developments in power electronics. Attributes for all-roundedness 5. Communicate effectively, think critically and creatively. 6. Assimilate new technological and development in related field List of Experiments: Group A: Perform any THREE experiments (Hardware) 1. Static VI characteristic of SCR and TRIAC (Both) 2. Single phase fully controlled converter with R and RL load 3. Single phase A.C. voltage regulator 4. Static VI characteristic of GTO Group B: Perform any THREE experiments (Hardware) 1. VI Characteristic of MOSFET and IGBT (Both) 2. DC step down chopper 3. 1- phase full bridge type PWM based VSI using transistor devices 4. 3-phase full bridge type PWM based VSI using transistor devices Group C: Perform any THREE experiments (Hardware/Software) 1. Three phase AC-DC fully controlled bridge converter 2. Three phase voltage source inverter using 1200 and 1800 mode 3. Study of cascaded type multilevel inverter 4. Harmonic analysis of three phase VSI inverter with different PWM techniques. 5. Single phase half controlled converter with R and RL load 6. Design of snubber circuit and verification using simulation Text Books: 1. M.H.Rashid - Power Electronics 2nd Edition, Pearson publication 2. Ned Mohan, T.M. Undeland, W.P. Robbins - Power Electronics, 3rd Edition, John Wiley and Sons 3. B.W. Williams: Power Electronics 2nd edition, John Wiley and sons 4. Ashfaq Ahmed- Power Electronics for Technology, LPE Pearson Edition. 5. Dr. P.S. Bimbhra, Power Electronics, Third Edition, Khanna Publication. 6. K. Hari Babu, Power Electronics , Scitech Publication

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