Questions Bank Advanced Microcontroller and Embedded System 303145A

 Questions Bank Advanced Microcontroller and Embedded System  303141

Unit 03: Development Tools and Hardware features (08 hrs) Development tools-Editors, Assemblers, Compilers, Linkers, Simulators, Emulators, Debugger Programmers, Introduction to MPLAB Integrated Development Environment. Timers, Interrupts, I/O Port, Programming of each of these in C. Unit 04: Special Hardware features (08 hrs) Serial port programming, Introduction to SPI protocol, Interfacing of PIC18F458 with LED, LCD(16x2) Keypad (4x4). Unit 05: Interfacing of PIC Microcontroller-I (08 hrs) Capture, Compare, PWM modes with and without interrupt, Interfacing of Stepper motor, Speed control of DC motor, Programming of these applications Unit 06: Interfacing of PIC Microcontroller-II (08 hrs) PIC ADC, Measurement of physical parameters such as temperature, pressure, level, flow, voltage, current etc., interfacing of DAC with PIC18F458 Learning Outcomes:  PIC 18F458 Microcontroller internal Architecture.  Architecture and behavior of different PIC 18F458 ports.  C language programming for PIC 18F458.

Questions Bank 303141 1 - Click Here to Download

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