Industrial & Technology Management Electrical Engineering Decode Free Download

Industrial & Technology Management Electrical Engineering Decode Free Download

Possess knowledge of types of business organizations.
 Explore the fundamentals of Industrial economics and Management.
 Understand the basic concepts of Technology management and Quality management.
 Analyze and differentiate between marketing management and financial management.
 Recognize the importance of Motivation, Group dynamics, Teamwork, leadership skill and
 Explain the fundamentals of Human Resource management.
 Identify the importance of Intellectual property rights and understand the concept of patents, copy
rights and trademarks.
 Software programming to construct and use simple mathematical model.
 Ability to carry out basic manufacturing and testing procedure.
Unit 01 Introduction to Management and Economics 07 hrs
A) Management: , scope, function, and importance of management. Difference between
administration and management.
B) Industrial Economics: Definition of economics, Demand and Supply concept, Demand Analysis.
Types of Demand, Determinants of Demand, Law of demand and supply, Elasticity of demand and
supply, Law of Diminishing Marginal utility, Demand forecasting: Meaning and methods.
C) Business Organizations: Line organization, Staff organization and Functional Organization,
(Project, Matrix, Committee Organization.)
D) Business Ownership and its Types: Types of business ownership, Sole proprietorship, Partnership
(Act 1934), LLP (Limited Liability Partnership) (Act 2008). One person company, Joint Stock
Company: Public Limited and Private Limited, Public Sector Undertaking (PSU).
Unit 02 Technology Management 05 hrs
A) Technology Management: Definition of technology Management and its relation with society,
development, application and its scope.
B) Classification of Technology Management: Classification of technology management at various
levels- its importance on National Economy, Ethics in technology management, Critical factors in
technology management.
Unit 03 Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) & Human Resource Management
06 hrs
A) Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights (IPR): Meaning of IPR, Different forms of IPR,
Patents, Criteria for securing Patents. Patent format and structure, Copy rights and trademark
(Descriptive treatment only).
B) Human Resource Management: Introduction, importance, scope, HR planning, Recruitment,
selection, training and development, Performance management.
Unit 04 Quality Management 06 hrs
A) Quality Management: Definition of quality, continuous improvement, Types of quality, Quality of
design, Seven QC Tools, Poka Yoke (Mistake Proofing), Quality circles, Kaizen. TQM, 5S (Case
study of Toyota, descriptive treatment). Six-Sigma.
Basic software used for inventory management and quality management like Zoho inventory, Oracal,
Netsuite, Vyapar, Quick book commerce.
B) Quality Management Standards (Introductory aspects only):- The ISO9001:2000 Quality
Management System Standard-The ISO14001:2004, ISO26000, ISO 10004:2012, ISO 9001:2012
ISO 9001:2016, Environmental Management System Standard.
Unit 05 Marketing and Financial Management 06 hrs
A) Marketing Management: Meaning of Market, Marketing strategy, motives, market characteristics
and its types, Perfect Competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic completion and Oligopoly. New
product development, Product life cycle, Marketing and selling, methods of selling, marketing
planning. Market survey and market research, Online Marketing (Digital Marketing).
B) Financial Management: Definition of financial management, cost Concept, Types of costs (Fixed,
Variable, average, marginal, and total cost) and methods of costing price, capital. Debit, credit, Profit
and loss statement, Balance sheet, Depreciation Analysis, causes and significance, methods of
calculation of depreciation, Taxation system, and type of taxes.
Unit 06 Motivational Theory and Entrepreneurship 06 hrs
A) Motivation: Introduction to Motivation, theories of work motivation, Content Theories: Maslow’s
Hierarchy of Needs, Herzberg’s Two factor theory, McClelland’s Three Needs Theory, McGregor’s
Theory X and Theory Y.
Process Theories: Adam’s Equity Theory, Vroom’s Expectancy Theory, Taylor’s Motivation
B) Leadership: Importance of Leadership, Types of Leadership: Autocratic, Democratic and Laissez-
Faire Leadership, qualities of good Leader. Group dynamics: and interactions of groups,
stages of group dynamics: Norming, Storming, Forming, Performing and Adjourning.
C) Entrepreneurship: Importance and limitations of rational decision making, Decision making under
certainty, uncertainty and risk. Incentives for small business development, Government policies and
incentives, Case study on Small scale industries in India.

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