Power System I – (203145) Notes

Power System I – (203145) Notes

 Prerequisite courses if any: Power Generation, Various insulating materials and properties, Knowledge of fundamentals of electrical circuit components and engineering mathematics. Course Objectives:

1. To learn the basic structure of electrical power systems, various electrical terms related with

power system and understand various types of tariff. 2. To understand the specifications and applications of various major electrical equipment present

in power plant. 3. To get the knowledge of mechanical and electrical design of overhead and underground

transmission system. 4. To learn representation of transmission lines for performance evaluation. Course Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:

CO1: Recognize different patterns of load curve and calculate associated different factors with it

and tariff. CO2: Draft specifications of electrical equipment in power station. CO3: Design electrical and mechanical aspects in overhead transmission and underground cables. CO4: Evaluate the inductance and capacitance of different transmission line configurations. CO5: Analyse the performance of short and medium transmission lines

Unit 01: Structure of Electrical Power Systems and Tariff [6Hrs]

A) Structure of Electrical Power Systems: Structure of electrical power system, Different

factors associated with generating stations such as Connected load, Maximum demand, Demand factor, Average load, Load factor, Diversity factor, Plant capacity factor, Reserve

capacity, Plant use factor, Load curve, Load duration curve, Concept of base load and peak

load stations, Advantages of interconnected grid system, Fitting of available generating station

into the area load duration curve. [4 Hrs]

B) Tariff: Introduction of Tariff, Tariff setting principles, desirable characteristics of tariff, various consumer categories and implemented tariff such as two part tariff, three part

tariff(Numerical on two part and three part tariff), Time of day tariff for H.T and L.T

industrial and commercial consumers, Introduction to Availability based tariff (ABT), kVAh

tariff(Descriptive treatment only).[2 Hrs]

Unit 02 Major Electrical Equipment's in Power Station & Underground Cables [ 6Hrs]

A) Major Electrical Equipment's in Power Station: Descriptive treatment of ratings of various

equipment used in power station, Special features, field of use of equipment like alternators, necessity of exciters, various excitation systems such as dc excitation, ac excitation and static

excitation systems, Power transformers, voltage regulators, bus-bars, current limiting reactors, circuit breakers, protective relays. Current transformers, potential transformers, Lightning

arresters, Earthing switches, isolators, Carrier current equipment’s (P.L.C.C), Control panels, battery rooms, metering and other control room equipment in generating station. [3Hrs]

B)Underground Cables: Construction of Cables, Classification of cables, XLPE cables, Capacitance of single core and three core cable, Dielectric stresses in single core cable, Grading

of cables, inter sheath grading, capacitance grading. [3Hrs]

Unit 03: Mechanical Design of Overhead lines and Insulators: [6Hrs]

A) Mechanical Design of Overhead lines: Main components of overhead lines, Various types of

line supports, Conductor spacing, Length of span, Calculation of sag for equal and unequal

supports and effect of ice and wind loading. [3Hrs]

B) Overhead Line Insulators: Types of insulators, its construction and their applications such as

Pin type, Suspension type, Strain type, Shackle type, Post insulators, bushing. Potential

distribution over suspension insulators, String efficiency, (Numerical on string efficiency and up

to four discs only), Methods of improving string efficiency (Descriptive treatment only). [3Hr

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