SGP Oral question / Switchgear and Protection Oral Question

SGP Oral question / Switchgear and Protection  Oral Question

1-What is Need for protective system? 
2- What is nature and causes of fault, types of faults, effects of faults?
3- State classification of relays & Component on relay ?
4- What is zones of protection? 
5-Explain Trip circuit of circuit breaker? 
6-Derive torque equation in induction type relay?
7-who TSM , PSM and operating time of relay? 
8-Formule for TSM , PSM and operating time of relay 
 9-For Which Circuit Breaker we used high and low resistance arc interruption? 
 10- Final derivation & definition of restriking voltage and RRRV? 
 11-In which Circuit Breaker current chopping and resistance switching is Present? 
 12-What are method to control current chopping Phenomenon? 
 13-What are the Method of arc interruption or Arc Quenching ? 
 14-What are the Classification of high voltage circuit breakers? 
 16-What is GIS in India where it is implemented? 
 17-What is breaking, making capacity?
19- Where air circuit breakers are used Rating Upto? 
 20- On what factor does the performance of a circuit breaker depend? 
 21- Keeping in view the cost and overall effectiveness, the following circuit breaker is suited for capacitor bank switching? 
 22- With which of the following, a circuit breaker must be equipped for remote operation? 
 23- Circuit breakers usually operate under ? 
 24- The voltage appearing across the contacts after opening of the circuit breaker is called______voltage. ? 
 25- The time of closing the cycle, in modern circuit breakers is ? 
 26- Insulation resistance of high voltage circuit breakers is more than ? 27- Wave trap is used to trap waves of ? 
 28- Bus coupler is very essential in arrangement in ? 
 29- For cost and safety, the outdoor substations are installed for voltages above?
 30- The relay with inverse time characteristic will operate within? 
 31- Which of the following circuit breakers has high reliability and minimum maintenance? 
 32- Air blast circuit breakers for 400 kV power system are designed to operate in
 33- A fuse is never inserted in?
 34- The torque produced in induction type relay (shaded pole structure) is? 
 35-Which Relay used for
  Distance Relay  Under Frequency Relay  Differential Relay  Buchholz Relay  Translay Relay  Carrier Current ,Mho relay  Negative Sequence Relay  Directional Over current Relay  Inverse Directional Over current Relay
36-Delectric Strength of SF6 GAS OF Air ? 
 37-How to Calculate Rated Symmetrical Breaking Current ? 
 38-Explain Working and constructional features of ACB, SF6 , VCB- advantages, disadvantages and applications? 
 39-Testing Codes for Relay ? 
40-What is overreach& under reach. of Distance Relay ? 
 41- Distance Relay transient overreach is defined as? 
 42-What is merits and demerits of static relay? 
 43- Differentiate between amplitude comparators and phase comparators.? 
 44- What are the various faults to which a turbo alternator is likely to be subjected? 
 45- Mention any two disadvantage of carrier current scheme for transmission line only? 
 46- What are the causes of over speed and how alternators are protected from it? Sudden loss of all or major part of the load causes over-speeding in alternators. 
 47- Give the limitations of Merz Price protection. 
 48- Why neutral resistor is added between neutral and earth of an alternator?
 49- What are the problems arising in differential protection in power transformer and how are they overcome? 
 50- What is over fluxing protection in transformer? 
 51- Why busbar protection is needed?
 52- What are demerits of MOCB? 
 53- What is meant by electro negativity of SF6 gas? 
 54- Write the classifications of test conducted on circuit breakers. 
 55- How direct tests are conducted in circuit breakers?
56-What do you mean by Anti –Aliasing Filter, Block diagram of PMU? 
 57- What are Abnormal conditions and causes of failures in  Power Transformer Protection  3 Phase Induction Motor Protection  Synchronous Generator (Alternator) Protection 57-What do means by inrush current in Transformer ? 
 58-Which Relay is Used in loss of excitation & loss of prime mover?
 59 Derive Universe Torques Equation Impedance relay ,Reactance relay, Mho Relay?
 60-Draw R-X Diagram For Impedance relay ,Reactance relay, Mho Relay? 
 61-What do Means by Wide Area Measurement (WAM) system 
 62- Effect of arc resistance & power swing on performance of distance relay? 
 63- plot Characteristics of IDMT?

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