What is DC motor

A DC motor is an electrical machine that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. In a DC motor, the input electrical energy is the direct current which is transformed into the mechanical rotation.

DC Motor Working

In the previous section, we discussed the various components of a DC motor. Now, using this knowledge let us understand the working of DC motors.

A magnetic field arises in the air gap when the field coil of the DC motor is energized. The created magnetic field is in the direction of the radii of the armature. The magnetic field enters the armature from the North pole side of the field coil and “exits” the armature from the field coil’s South pole side.

Types of DC motor

DC motors have a wide range of applications ranging from electric shavers to automobiles. To cater to this wide range of applications, they are classified into different types based on the field winding connections to the armature as:

  • Self Excited DC Motor
  • Separately Excited DC Motor

Now, let us discuss the various types of DC Motors in detail.

Self Excited DC Motor

In self-excited DC motors, the field winding is connected either in series or parallel to the armature winding. Based on this, the self-excited DC motor can further be classified as:

  • Shunt wound DC motor
  • Series wound DC motor
  • Compound wound DC motor

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